Januar 2012: Wyoming Brain Injury Resources

As this blog develops, we are listing state by state resources, and here is Wyoming:




Project BRAIN, a Brain Rehabilitation and Information Network, was developed by the Brain Injury Association of Wyoming, now the Brain Injury Alliance of Wyoming, with funding from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Workforce Services.  Project BRAIN is a statewide care network that utilizes existing resources, expanding connections between those resources, while building new pieces to fill gaps in the Wyoming brain injury service system.

This web site is designed to provide information to brain injury survivors and their caregivers while providing a location for service providers, medical professionals, organizations and other interested parties to find and share information. 

We hope to be able to provide a list of available resources throughout Wyoming and, eventually, to have enough users to create a list serve where professionals can share information and ask questions to others in the state.

Please sign up for one or more of our mailing lists so we can keep you up to date with the latest information available about brain injury.  Be sure to check out our documents section for printable PDF newsletters, surveys, and other valuable information.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this web site please contact us at director@projectbrainofwy.com